
  • Patent Engineer
  • FR
  • EN

Qualifications / Education

BSc Mathematics with Mathematical Physics, UCL, United-Kingdom
MSc Mechanical Engineering, LSBU, United-Kingdom
University diploma on patent law, CEIPI, France


Romain graduated from University College London and London South Bank University with degrees in mathematics and in mechanical engineering. During these technical studies, Romain gained initial experience in patent law through summer internships at intellectual property cabinets.

In 2022, Romain joined Office Freylinger as a patent engineer after earning a university diploma on patent law from the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies.


Practice Areas

  • Patent drafting and prosecution
  • Patent searches and analyses
  • Oppositions against granted patents
  • Computer science (robotics, modelling and simulations, computational complexity and geometry)
  • Physics
  • Mechanical devices
  • Materials science
  • Metallurgy and Siderurgy
  • Automotive equipment